Daftar Referensi Website Aplikasi Telemedicine dan Healthcare


Campusnesia.co.id - Telemedicine adalah pemakaian telekomunikasi untuk memberikan informasi dan pelayanan medis jarak-jauh. Aplikasi telemedicine saat ini, menggunakan teknologi satelit untuk menyiarkan konsultasi antara fasilitas-fasilitas kesehatan di dua negara dan memakai peralatan video conference. 

Definisi secara umum dari healthcare app yaitu sebuah program yang berbasis aplikasi, yang digunakan untuk memberikan penawaran tentang layanan dan jasa kesehatan. Saat ini di Indonesia sendiri terdapat beberapa jenis healthcare app yang semakin mudah ditemui.

Lewat postingan kali ini, berikut kami hadirkan Daftar Referensi website aplikasi telemedicine dan healthcare

1. Alodokter

2. GetWell

3. Good Doctor

4. Halodoc

5. KlikDokter

6. KlinikGo

7. Link Sehat

8. Milvik Dokter

9. ProSehat

10. SehatQ

11. YesDok

12. Aido Health

13. Homecare 24

14. Lekasehat

15. mDoc

16. Trustmedis

17. Vascular Indonesia

19. Generis: DNA & Nutrition

20. Teladoc – 24/7 access to a doctor

21. Better Help – Online Counseling

22. MDacne – Custom Acne Treatment

23. Leafly

24. MySugr – Diabetes Tracker Log

25. EyeCare Live

Which is an example of telemedicine?
The digital transmission of medical imaging, remote medical diagnosis and evaluations, and video consultations with specialists are all examples of telemedicine.

What is a telemedicine platform?
Telemedicine software is the platform used by providers to connect with patients, and share video and images. It can be integrated with a provider's electronic health record and scheduling systems.

What are the 3 types of telemedicine?
There are three main types of telemedicine, which include store-and-forward, remote monitoring, and real-time interactive services. Each of these has a beneficial role to play in overall health care and, when utilized properly, can offer tangible benefits for both healthcare workers and patients.

Demikian tadi sobat Campusnesia, postingan kita kali ini tentang Daftar Referensi website aplikasi telemedicine dan healthcare. Semoga bermanfaat sampai jumpa.

- https://www.orami.co.id/
- https://www.rootstrap.com/blog/healthcare-apps/

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